Ocean Plastic Intertrade Co ,Ltd

Country: Thailand
Booth number: O2

Ocean Plastic Intertrade (OPI) is a large scale roto-molded manufacturer based in Thailand. We have an unmatched production power with two main facilities in Thailand, and have the ability to deliver to our customers the highest quality product in the shortest amount of time. While we are the expert in OEM plastic production, we also offer an array of generic branded products that you can select from for the beginning stages of your business's growth.

For the past two decades, we've exported all types of products to countries and regions including: Australia, Germany, UAE, South Africa, India, Pakistan, United States, and more. If you choose to partner with us, rest assured the process will be the most seamless collaborative experience you have had with a manufacturer.

Our presense in ASEAN and elsewhere is very strong from our continuous collaborations with customers in the region. Our expertise in producing high quality products at a reasonable price has earned us the leading position in exporting commercial coolers to neighboring countries.

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